We have a Golf Getaway Winner!
Congratulations to Michelle Flink!

Eureka Quilt Show
As we celebrate the 10th year of dazzling our town with color on the first Saturday of August, it is with the utmost admiration that we honor the talented quilters who are participating in this show; many have shared their beautiful quilts with us for over ten years!
The show has blossomed and grown year after year, and this year we have more quilts on display and more vendors than any year. Thank you to all quilters, product/food vendors, and sponsors for your participation.
In addition, it is with immense gratitude that we dedicate this Diamond Anniversary show to the fantastic volunteers of 2014 and all past years for their dedication, readiness and commitment to the Eureka Montana Quilt Show. The countless hours donated by more people than we can list and the generous support of the Eureka business community is what makes this all possible.
Thank you for joining our celebration! We are so happy that you are here.
Visit us at EurekaQuiltShow.com for more show information

New Old Time Chautauqua
Eureka welcomed this troupe of artists and performers who entertained, enchanted, and excited us with their fantastic music, imagination, education, and modern vaudeville. They were in Eureka from Thursday, July 24 through Saturday, July 26. The Museum in the Historical Village had an exhibit through July 27 that explains the history of the New Old Time Chautauqua in words and photos.
Cafe' Jax meets HA) Brewery
HA) Brewery keeps evolving. It's hard to imagine that such a fine-crafted establishment in such a gorgeous setting with such excellent beers could get any better, but it has. Partner/Owner Karl Kassler enthusiastically talks about their up and coming beer garden. “We are feverishly working to have it open by July 1st _ building picnic tables and landscaping!" Chris Neill, Head Brewer/Owner, is stoked to be working on his new Farm House series of open fermented Belgian-style Witbier and Saison beers. They are now on the menu at HA) – and have that distinctive wheat-beer taste that some of us find irresistible. Of course they continue to offer their choices of delicious IPA's (yes, including their award winning Grave Creek IPA), ales, dark beers, and Eli's soon-to-be-famous Ginger Ale.