Deep in the Woods
Drop the Ego - part 5 of an 8 part series
We lifted heavy bags of mushrooms onto our shoulders and began retracing our steps to the car. Or so we thought.
Ten minutes later, my friend stopped in her tracks, “something’s not right.” She continued walking in the same direction, this time her head swinging uphill and down, a quizzical look plastered between her brows. “I’ve never seen this part of the woods before.” All three of us halted, dropping our bags.
Let’s give my friend a high-five for admitting her confusion. If she let her ego block the way, continuing without regrouping would make matters worse, leading in the wrong direction.
Admitting you’ve lost your way is hard for anyone who nurtures a business. We are leaders, not followers. We are used to keeping noses on the grind stone to achieve a goal. Denial straps blinders on financials in the red or stagnant sales.
Admitting there’s a problem and needing assistance is the first step to recovery and survival. The second step is to sit down and really look at landmarks. Study reports to identify where and how you arrived at this lost place.
The thirds step is to know your limits. Tap into the right experts in the community to find firm footing. Combine your strengths with others. But first you have to jump the psychological hurdle of admitting you’re lost and then be brave enough to ask for help.
We immediately stopped where we were for a powwow before taking an inventory of our combined survival necessities, just in case we had to sleep overnight in the woods. One friend had two garbage bags for either rain gear or a foundation layer for a bed. My compass app worked off-line. Between us, we had about 4 cups of water, dehydrated fruit, crackers with some cheese, and a big bag of trail mix.
Make a list of your assets and strengths.