Lost Trail Stories 'Episode #6'

Upwind, If You Please

Eureka, January 7, 1915 Upon the motion of Eureka Commercial Club member W. A. Mikalson, the secretary was instructed to correspond with the proper railway officials in regard to the removal of the stock yards to a more convenient point on the industry track extension.

Washington, D.C, November 19, 1914

Not a Pretty Picture

January 7, 1915 The nose is rightly regarded as an important element of beauty. If it cannot be breathed through, even though it may be very well formed externally, it will soon ruin the beauty of any face. The person who breathes through his mouth cannot have a beautiful mouth, no matter how beautiful his character may be; and he is liable to be poisoned by infection of the adenoids in his nose, and to be short of oxygen in his blood, his intelligence will probably suffer. And when stupidity comes beauty goes.

Idaho Breaks Religious Barrier

Boise, Idaho, January 7, 1915 The opening of the 13th legislature and the inauguration of Governor Moses Alexander, who bears the distinction of being the first Jew elected to the office of governor in any state, took place at high noon here January 4th.

Cheating the Hangman before DNA

Salem, Ore., January 7, 1915 A lock of his own hair held before him, that had been taken from the clutch of one of his dead victims, who had fought desperately for her life and that of her child, caused John Sierks, a 25-year-old inmate of the state insane asylum, to confess to the killing of Mrs. Daisy Wehrman and her little boy in their little cabin on the night of December 4, 1911. John Pender, convicted of the crime and until the recent passage by the people of a bill abolishing capital punishment, under sentence to be hanged, will be freed in a few days. George Thatcher, a Portland criminologist, brought about the denouement. He became convinced of Pender’s innocence at the time of the trial. Had Governor West not offered a reprieve pending the outcome of the death penalty abolition initiative, Pender would have been hanged before the election.

The Business of War

Louisville, Ky., January 4, 1915 Work on 8000 portable kitchen wagons for the French army was begun here today The value of the order is placed at $250,000. The French government has specified that the wagons be ready in three months.

Ed. Note: This order could not be filled today for less than $250 million, cost overruns notwithstanding.

Legislature Meets

Helena, January 14, 1915 Three bills appropriating money for payment of salaries and legislative expenses received speedy and favorable action. Despite Governor Stewart’s plea for economy and asking the legislature to refrain from overburdening the state with statutes, it is estimated that the total of 350 bills will be considered during the session. Prohibition promised to be a live question, two senators saying they will introduce bills. Both the senate and the house adjourned Friday at one o’clock, observing the battle of New Orleans and paying homage to the memory of Andrew Jackson.

Outlook Bleak

January 14, 1915 That person is sincerely to be pitied who can find no enjoyment in the prosecution of his daily avocations, for he is defective in his makeup, incapable of real pleasure, and destined to a life of endless drudgery.

Knocking On Death’s Door

Gateway, January 14, 1915 – One of the Butts boys came near losing his team and sleigh while crossing the Kootenai on the ice near the new ferry site. The spell of cold weather made it practical to cross the river at that point for a while, but milder weather and the current of the stream had evidently impaired the strength of the ice, and the team broke through, the water at that point being about twelve feet in depth. By the timely assistance of H. L. Conner, who lives nearby, the team and sleigh were rescued, after nearly an hour’s work.

Out of Touch with Reality

Washington, D. C., January 14, 1915 The House of Representatives, by a vote of 204 to 174, refused to submit to the states an amendment to the federal constitution to enfranchise women. The vote, the second in history on the women suffrage issue, was not made along party lines.

More Than Meets the Eye

Helena, January 21, 1915 The public morals committee of the state legislature was very blunt and outspoken in its report against the employment of a chaperon, as recommended by the Study club of Helena. The report stated it was likewise a reflection upon the young women employed in the legislature, and that it was likewise a reflection upon the members of the assembly, all of whom are honorable men.

Just Say Yes

Eureka, January 28, 1915 A few weeks ago the Scobey Sentinel tried to startle the world by coming out with a big headline announcing that the Canadian boundary from the Pacific coast to the Great lakes was to be moved twenty-five miles further north. Seems that the editor had a pipe dream and many are wondering what kind of dope he was smoking.

Gary Montgomery

About the Author: Gary Montgomery, a resident to the Tobacco Valley for over four decades, has worked in a variety of vocations common to the area including logging, saw mills, Christmas trees, public education, U. S. Forest Service, ranching and operating his own photo processing and printing business. For the last 23 years he has largely written and published a quarterly historical magazine called The Trail and formerly the Tobacco Plains Journal. Along with articles reprinted from historical newspapers, vintage photographs, personal diaries and other remembrances, he has interviewed over 115 oldtimers, each one with his or her unique view of history, both local and international. Montgomery can be contacted via his website: www.thetrailmag.com.

Tags: lost trail snippets Gary Montgomery