Lost Trail Stories 'Episode #3'
McBroom’s Rival
Eureka, October 8, 1914 The wonderful growth to which products attain in Tobacco valley is evidenced by a large turnip on display in the Journal office which was grown by L. C. Drake. The turnip is 43 inches in circumference and weighs 21 pounds.
Farmers Find Freaks
Eureka, October 22, 1914 The harvesting of the spud crop has been in progress the past week or two. The tubers are large and of excellent quality. Several freaks have been found, one being a large potato having grown to it four other large ones and several small ones. It weights about eight pounds. Another freak although not very larger, has grown to it ten claws, which are loose, but fit down closely over the body of the spud and resemble the claws of a bird, and show well developed projections, similar to toenails.
More Signage Needed
Eureka, October 22, 1914 All cross-roads in this, and every other county in the state, should be equipped with signboards. The sooner this is done the better it will be; not alone for the auto tourist, but for people of our own county who have occasion to make trips into territory unfamiliar to them. In ox-cart days small thought was given to guide posts. When the horses crowded the ox from the highways, guide posts assumed a larger importance. But it remained for the automobile to bring the cross-roads sign post to its full usefulness. The county is criss-crossed with tourist routes and scarcely any territory daunts the man behind the steering wheel.
Local Boy Improves
Eureka, September 24, 1914 A piece of handiwork that attracted considerable attention at the Lincoln county fair was a little foot stool made by Willie Rhodes, a young fellow who was sent from here to the state reformatory last year. It is a good example of the industrial work carried on at that institution.
And You Think You’ve Had a Bad Day
Clarkson, Idaho, September 24, 1914 While canoeing, two young couples were thrown into the icy waters of a slough when they capsized a short distance from shore. One of the women was briefly trapped under the canoe, but all were rescued. While being driven to warm shelter by Mr. Beard and two young girls, the car turned turtle while running at 25 miles an hour, injuring everybody.
Dream on Isabella
Seattle, October 1, 1914 Flaying the modern styles of women’s dress, urging the university women to stick to the more conservative modes and try to appear on the campus in “near plain” clothes, rather than in flimsy creations, and giving the coeds her views concerning the new dances, Isabella Austin, dean of women in the University of Washington, delivered her annual address to the varsity coeds. Display of jewelry, fancy dress and the latest developments in dancing were frowned upon.
Greeks Walk - Almost
Eureka, October 29, 1914 A case was tried in Judge Waller’s court in which two Greeks were accused of having shot a horse belonging to Wilburt Keller. After hearing the evidence the judge dismissed the defendants and assessed the costs against the plaintiff. One of the Greeks, however, was arrested by Deputy Game Warden Bockman the following day and fined $25 for carrying a gun, having violated the Alien gun law.
Liquor Exacts Deadly Toll
Yahk, Montana, November 12, 1914 The body of Bert White, who became lost about November 3rd has been found. The deceased was well known at Gateway, having at one time been part owner of the Royal Hotel and later employed as a bartender by his former partner. White was a likable fellow, but, having imbibed too freely of late, his employer sent him to the Dickinson place on the Yahk for recuperation. From there he went hunting and failed to return. The remains were found about a half mile from the house, White evidently having passed away during an attack caused by continual over-indulgence. The body was partly naked, as if the victim had been under the impression that he was retiring for the night. White was recognized as one of the best hockey players in the northwest, and his pitiful and untimely end is regretted by many friends.
Died in the Wool Treehuggers
Washington, D.C, November 19, 1914 It is said that the German invaders of Belgium, whatever else they may have destroyed, have been careful not to injure park trees. The cavalrymen, so a report goes, are forbidden to tie their horses to trees for fear that the animals will gnaw the bark. Germany was the first nation to apply forestry on a large scale, some of the crown forests having been under scientific management for over a hundred years.
So Much for Sustained Yield
Lincoln County, Wash., November 19, 1914 The only elk ever known to have been seen in Lincoln county, strayed into the farm of Carl Schultz where it was shot by him.
About the Author: Gary Montgomery, a resident to the Tobacco Valley for over four decades, has worked in a variety of vocations common to the area including logging, saw mills, Christmas trees, public education, U. S. Forest Service, ranching and operating his own photo processing and printing business. For the last 23 years he has largely written and published a quarterly historical magazine called The Trail and formerly the Tobacco Plains Journal. Along with articles reprinted from historical newspapers, vintage photographs, personal diaries and other remembrances, he has interviewed over 115 oldtimers, each one with his or her unique view of history, both local and international. Montgomery can be contacted via his website: www.thetrailmag.com.