Lost Trail Stories 'Episode #11'
Let the Good Times Roll
Eureka, April 6, 1916 The annual log drive of the Eureka lumber company was started last week and is now on in full blast, the camps having all been organized, and logs are now coming through from the rear. The company is fortunate in securing plenty of help and water conditions are ideal with a prospect that there will be plenty of water during the season. Driving camps are strung along the river for a distance of over thirty miles and several hundred men are employed in the operations. The starting of the drive always means added prosperity for the people living in the neighborhood and especially the towns of Eureka, Fortine and Trego.
Nothing New Here
San Diego, April 6, 1916 Charged with violating the state law relative to the possession and sale of morphine, opium, cocaine and other habit-forming drugs, six physicians will be prosecuted by the state pharmacy board. They are alleged to have sold drugs to persons known to be addicted to the habitual use of narcotics.
Take Their Music Seriously
Turner, Ore., April 6, 1916 In a pitched battle on the streets Saturday night, between members of the Turner brass band and members of the city council, assisted by partisans of each faction, three men were stabbed, one probably fatally. Half a score of other residents of Turner sustained bruised heads as a result of being struck by clubs and rocks, which were used freely in the melee. Lee Jeane, a butcher and councilman, was being sought in connection with the stabbing.
As Good As It Gets
Eureka, April 13, 1916 Activity at the Eureka Lumber company still continues with a day and night shift at the mill and planer, and close to five hundred men are employed on the different workings of the company. An average of fifteen cars a day are being sent out, some orders calling for 32-foot lumber and others for 12 x 24 timbers. On account of the activity of the lumber business, the construction of the Glen lake irrigation ditch, the building of numerous houses and cottages and the usual spring work in town and country, Eureka presents a lively and prosperous appearance. Few, if any idle men are seen on the street and there is an air of contentment and prosperity in evidence.
Homeland Security
Ottawa, April 13, 1916 Barbed wire entanglements will be erected along a portion of the frontier of Canada in the neighborhood of the electric light plant at Niagara Falls by the Canadian government.
Free School Favored
Eureka, April 20, 1916 The Eureka Commercial club went on record as favoring a movement for the establishment of a free county high school. President Bogardus was authorized to appoint a committee for the furtherance of the movement.
Pulling All the Stops
Eureka, April 20, 1916 The Eureka Commercial club has plans on foot for a grand celebration in commemoration of the completion of the Glen lake irrigation project and the general prosperity of Tobacco valley. The celebration will take place sometime during the early part of June, and will exceed anything in the line of celebrations that has ever been pulled off in Eureka.
Ahead of Its Time
Eureka, April 20, 1916The patrons of the Majestic theatre will have an opportunity to witness one of the greatest film shows now being shown in the United States, “The Battle Cry of Peace.” Most everyone has heard or read of this great film production and manager Parker is to be congratulated on securing this booking for his theatre. It is said that this film not only equals, but in many respects surpasses “The Birth of a Nation,” which had such a successful run in many of the large cities. War is the theme of the play and it makes a strong plea for preparedness, one of the leading questions of the nation. It contains a series of thrilling pictures of a siege of New York, showing bombardments from sea, land and sky, and many other sensational happenings. It is truly a great production, showing all the modern methods of land, sea and aerial warfare.
Bruin Lucks Out
Rexford, April 20, 1916Through the unwonted activities of a bear, Roy Farr is the victim of a sprained ankle and can move only by the aid of crutches. While homeward bound with his horse and buggy, his animal realized the presence of a bear and got beyond Roy’s control. The buggy struck Roy’s ankle and turned it in such a way as to sprain it. Had Roy been armed, perhaps the outcome would have been different, but as it is the animal is still at large, and perhaps totally oblivious of the havoc that his ursine majesty has wrought.
Kids Come Through
Whitefish, April 20, 1916The clean-up campaign in which the children are being paid for gathering tin cans, bottles, etc., is progressing nicely, $31.10 having been earned by students of the second, third and fourth grades for collecting 62,620 tin cans from vacant lots and back alleys. The plan has proven to be one of the most successful clean-up campaigns in the history of Whitefish.
Good Luck Nowadays
Eureka, April 27, 1916 The Eureka Commercial club discussed the matter of having a customs officer stationed on the international auto road to Rooseville on Sundays, so that pleasure parties can visit beautiful Phillips falls without the necessity of making the roundabout trip to Gateway. The secretary (of the Commercial Club) was instructed to take the matter up with the government officials at Gateway.
Half Holiday Better Than None
Eureka, April 27, 1916 The field day exercises which will be held by the Lincoln county schools, promises to eclipse last year’s events in many ways. Entries have been coming in in good shape, and nearly every school in the county will be represented. In order that the day may be properly observed by Eureka citizens, Mayor Hamann has declared a half holiday on Friday afternoon, and Eureka’s business houses will close so that all will be afforded an opportunity to attend the exercises at the fairgrounds.
About the Author: Gary Montgomery, a resident to the Tobacco Valley for over four decades, has worked in a variety of vocations common to the area including logging, saw mills, Christmas trees, public education, U. S. Forest Service, ranching and operating his own photo processing and printing business. For the last 23 years he has largely written and published a quarterly historical magazine called The Trail and formerly the Tobacco Plains Journal. Along with articles reprinted from historical newspapers, vintage photographs, personal diaries and other remembrances, he has interviewed over 115 oldtimers, each one with his or her unique view of history, both local and international. Montgomery can be contacted via his website: www.thetrailmag.com.