Lost Trail Stories 'Episode #8'

by Lost Trail Publishing

Domestic Terrorist Arrested

New York, February 18, 1915 Matthew Schmidt, age 34, was arrested as a fugitive from justice on an indictment found in Los Angeles in October, 1910, charging him with having been implicated in dynamiting the Los Angeles Times building. The arrest followed a search of four years. Schmidt helped to buy the explosive from the Giant Powder works near Richmond and with James McNamara took it to Los Angeles on board a launch.

Eureka Advances to State

Eureka, February 18, 1915 In the most spectacular game of the season, the local high school basket ball five defeated the speedy Kalispell quintet on the local floor. The game was full of thrills from start to finish and was characterized by speedy teamwork upon the part of both teams. The score was close throughout, neither team leading at any time by more than three points. With Kalispell leading, 18 to 17, and only ten seconds left to play, it looked as if the visitors would be victorious. At this juncture, Sampson of the Eureka team was accidentally knocked out and time was called for a minute. When play was resumed the ball was tipped from the toss-up to Sampson, who passed it to Lucier, the latter caging the ball with a sensational back overhead throw just as the timekeeper’s whistle sounded. The game was a fine exhibition of good, clean basket ball, and was not marred by hard feelings on the part of anyone. The result of this game gives Eureka the championship of the district, and entitles them to go to the state tournament at Bozeman. The high school athletic association wishes to thank the public for its liberal patronage, and states that the receipts of the game - $67.50 – just covered the expenses entailed.

The Paranoia Begins

Fortine, February 25, 1915 The spelling and ciphering contest between the Trego, Lincoln and Fortine schools on Washington’s birthday was a great success. The Fortine school won every contest but one, which, of course, is rather gratifying to our teachers and to the parents also. After the contests everyone was invited to a free picture show given by the Fortine Electrical company. As soon as the show was over the ladies began serving their Martha Washington supper. The gastronomic feats rather outdid the performances of some of our youthful mathematicians, or of the actors shown in the Indian fight on the screen. The privilege of enjoying an intellectual, a sensual and a physical treat, all in one afternoon, does not occur very often in Fortine, and we all made the most of the occasion.

War Begins

February 25, 1915 W. C. Whaley, collector of internal revenue, has received word that the forms for schedules required under the Harrison drug bill, approved by congress last December, will be sent to his office in a short time. The new measure provides for a record of all receipts, sales and ministrations of opium, cocoa leaves, salts and derivations and preparations, including morphine, cocaine and heroin, and is the first severe step taken by the government to stamp out the “dope fiends” in all parts of the country.

Fatal Misstep

New York, March 4, 1915 Lawrence Brennan, a member of the fire department, was fatally injured recently when he fell from the brass pole that is used in sliding from the dormitory to the first floor.

Bomb Plot Foiled

New York, March 4, 1915 The discovery of an anarchistic plot involving the assassination of Andrew Carnegie, Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller and his son and other wealthy men, and the organization of a reign of terror and looting in this city, was announced by the police after they had arrested under dramatic circumstances, a man who had just placed two bombs in St. Patrick’s cathedral, where several hundred persons were worshipping. So carefully had the police worked out their plans that the anarchist was even allowed to light the fuse of one of the bombs despite the fact that the explosives were powerful enough to have destroyed the edifice and possibly killed many in it. Scarcely had the bomb carrier ignited the fuse when one of a hundred disguised detectives who were stationed in and about the church crushed the sputtering thread under his heel. The plans of the conspirators miscarried because a young policeman, Emilio Polignani, joined in the plot as an avowed anarchist and for several weeks kept the police informed.

Music to the Ears

Eureka, March 18, 1915 A few short weeks will bring the completion of the mammoth new sawmill of the Eureka Lumber company. The prediction was made at the time that operations were commenced that the new mill would be ready early in April and it is now practically assured that it will be running full blast the week of April 5th. The assurance that the mill will begin operations on the date announced is welcome news, and the busy hum of the sawmill will be welcome to the ears of all.

Lacked Good Job Description

Butte, March 18, 1915 J. E. Reed, the employment agent, is in bad with the authorities again. Reed is charged with having induced girls and young women to go to Diamondville, Wyo. and take places at a dance and concert hall by misrepresenting the nature of the employment.

Gary Montgomery

About the Author: Gary Montgomery, a resident to the Tobacco Valley for over four decades, has worked in a variety of vocations common to the area including logging, saw mills, Christmas trees, public education, U. S. Forest Service, ranching and operating his own photo processing and printing business. For the last 23 years he has largely written and published a quarterly historical magazine called The Trail and formerly the Tobacco Plains Journal. Along with articles reprinted from historical newspapers, vintage photographs, personal diaries and other remembrances, he has interviewed over 115 oldtimers, each one with his or her unique view of history, both local and international. Montgomery can be contacted via his website: www.thetrailmag.com.

Tags: history lost trail snippets Gary Montgomery