Women's History in Montana
As we teeter on the cusp between March and April, it's a toss-up which month to focus on. March is Women's History Month, and certainly a lot can be said about that. April is National Poetry Month, and the good news there is that the Lincoln County libraries will hold their annual poetry contest for young people and adults in April. Stop by the library branch in Eureka to pick up an application and submit your finest work.

Annual Events Galore
It certainly seems that Spring will blow in like a lion this year. The winter has been a cold and snowy one in the Tobacco Valley, and everyone is ready for something that will get them out of the house. So, here's a list of wonderful events that will renew your fondness for the area.

Lincoln County "Poodlegate"
Proposed Legislation Supports Animals' Rights and will Save Counties Money.
For the last six months, since August 2016, the Tobacco Valley (TV) Animal Shelter has been responsible for 67 dogs, many of them poodles, that were rescued from horrific living conditions. The animals cannot be adopted until litigation between the Libby breeder and Lincoln County has been settled. The trial date is set for mid-April of this year. Montana presently lacks legislation that would make the owners of the seized animals liable for the cost of their care. So far, the bill has cost the county $40,000 and the TV Animal Shelter $15,000, with costs accruing daily. If it is dragged on by appeals the expense burden will, obviously, only grow.

Spring is Comin' Around the Corner
This winter has been exceptional in the Tobacco Valley because of record snowfalls and some very low temperatures. But now it's February, and there is a sense that Spring is on the way, for the days are longer and the sun feels warmer.
Serious gardeners are paging through seed catalogs. Some have even planted flats inside, although it is hard to know when they expect to plant the seedlings outside, as the snow is still piled deep in most gardens.