Holiday Happenings & Bazaar Weekend
Updated 02 Dec 2015
It's cold and snowy, the town is looking festive with wreaths, lights, garland, and those big ol' lit-up blow-up decorations are popping up around the valley. In other words, “it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!!”
There are a lot of fun things to do and ample options to shop at our local businesses and during Bazaar Weekend. You can harmonize with Sunburst's old-fashioned holiday caroling on Wed., Dec. 2. Meet at Glacier Bank at 4pm and make a joyful sound serenading the town. Then there's the Parade of Lights through town on Fri. Dec 4th starting at 6:30pm (participants line up at Valley Pizza at 6:15). Afterward, Oh, What Fun you will have at the Tree Lighting at Glacier Bank pavilion. Live music by the VanBemmels, snacks, door prizes and, of course, our truly super Santa will all be there, from 7pm until it ends. Following the tree lighting you can join the annual “Lights of our Lives” memory walk along the Riverwalk. Luminaries are available at Eureka Health for you to decorate in honor of absent friends and loved ones.

Shop Small Saturday - November 28th
The biggest shopping day of the year in the US is coming right up. Where will you be on November 28th, the Saturday after Thanksgiving? We hope that you will be in the Tobacco Valley spending your money at local businesses. Mountain Gift, My Sister's Apparel and The Front Porch are just some of the many shops that have the ideal item on your shopping list. And the Chamber of Commerce is helping small home businesses set up tables in the community room of Glacier Bank that day as well.

Does Crime Pay?
Nov. 12th and 13th at 7:00 pm. in the historic Majestic Theater.
The Eureka Community Players present an evening of one-act comedies which address the question “Does Crime Pay?” Don't miss what is certain to be great fun as hilarity ensues in the pursuit of the answer!
The evenings begins with “Blind Woman’s Bluff” written by Janet S. Tiger and directed by Sandy Oertli. A blind woman (Shelly Moen) has placed an ad to sell her old rocking chair. John, (Brian Dinsmore) a friendly thief, responds to the ad.

Musician Spotlight - Sally Beal
Sally Beal is a song writer. There is no denying that. In the last fifteen years, she's written close to a hundred songs ranging from "Lincoln County Girl" to "Larch Ridge." Everyone who hears her songs has a favorite. "February Moon"? "Red Dog"? Sally's songs do an incredible job of capturing the land, the seasons and the people in the Tobacco Valley.