Country Blooms in Trego
Business is growing at Country Blooms in Trego. The greenhouses, located 1.5 miles off highway 93 on Ant Flat Rd., are bursting with a great variety of plants. We've seen the closing of three nurseries in the past couple of years, and Krista Eash wants to fill that void.

Tobacco Valley New Restaurant Alert
What a delicious and fabulous way to begin summer in the Tobacco Valley! Three new restaurants just opened and each offers something special for locals and tourists looking for a really good meal.

On Saturday, May 21, Eureka held its second annual Millions Against Monsanto event. Everyone invited to this FREE health fair sponsored by Heaven’s Peak had an opportunity to learn why we all need to say NO TO GMOs. More than 300 similar events were held worldwide on the same day.

Trash-2-Flash Recycled Fashion Show
Saturday, May 14...the 6th Annual Trash-2-Flash Recycled Fashion Show at the fairgrounds in Eureka was a huge success, thanks, to everyone who participated and our fabulous audience! Check out the video HERE.
Dinner at 5:30, was a choice of grilled Tri-tip sandwiches or Veg-kebabs with all the fixin's and non-alcoholic drink for only $12 for adults, $6 for kids aged 12 and under. Beer, brewed in good cheer from our own local HA) Brewery, and wine was available for purchase.