Preparing for the Holidays
Don't worry. We aren't encouraging you to start writing Christmas cards, do your holiday shopping, or plan which pies to have for Thanksgiving. Instead, we are encouraging you to think about how to have a safe and enjoyable winter in this beautiful part of Montana.

Electronic Waste Drop-off, Now at Eureka's Refuse Site
You can finally recycle those old computers, printers, phones and other electronic devices that you just can't bring yourself to throw away. In Eureka! The county has put a collection box at the “Dump,” also known as the Eureka Refuse Site on Airport Road.

A bit of home anywhere
Some months ago, Eureka-based St. Rita's Amazing Traveling Bookstore made plans for an epic trip to bookstore events in Rock Island, IL, Brooklyn, NY, and Missoula, MT. It would be quite the journey, and owner Rita Collins realized she would need help making this adventure happen.

The Love of Fall!
The fall season is upon us. Children have started back at school. Aspen are turning their lovely yellow. Salmon are running.
As the season shifts, you might consider starting something new. (Maybe you put off that new project until all the summer fun was over.) If so, now might be the time to pick up supplies at Eureka Hardware or, if knitting a special holiday gift is what you have in mind, to stop by Cheryl Pasque's Woolery Mammoth. With the kids in school, you might even sign up for pilates or take a yoga class at the Creative Arts Center. Foster's Fitness now offers cross training if you want to get in shape for this winter's skiing. And if with that first whiff of frost your thoughts turn to hunting, now is a good time to pick up supplies for that as well.