Compliments and Kudos
No doubt there are many good things to say about the Tobacco Valley. Hardly a day goes by that you don't see something lovely, like the lilacs blooming in front yards or the alpine glow on the mountains. And then there are all the people who live here, reaching out with kindness to their neighbors and friends.

Tobacco Valley Bike Safety Rodeo
Every spring, Tobacco Valley's law enforcement makes sure every child in town on a bike has a helmet. Montana Highway Patrol Neil Duram heads up the effort, arranging a date for the event, ordering helmets and collecting donations from generous community businesses

Rendezvous Days 2016
Rendezvous weekend is barreling down upon us and as always there is going to be a lot to take in. From the Black Powder Shoot starting Friday at noon to the Mud Bog out at the fairgrounds on Sunday, there are enough activities to keep everyone hopping. The parade, the bed races, the Kimberly pipers playing at the VFW, the car show, the vendors at the Historical Village and fairgrounds, the arm wrestling and even the Eureka Community Players' musical melodrama - it doesn't leave much time if you want to fit it all in.

Eureka Community Players to Perform
The Tobacco Valley is fortunate to have the dynamic community theater group that began three years in Eureka and grows stronger play by play. Over Rendezvous weekend from April 28 through May 1, Eureka Community Players will perform its outrageous musical melodrama "Lurking on the Railroad (or Will She Give Him a Wide Berth?)" at the Majestic Theater.