Eureka Lions Football State Champs!
The Lions are the Montana State Champs in high school football for 2016!
In what was an exciting game to the end our Eureka Lions have bested Loyala-Sacred Heart and risen victorious. They are the spirit of a team, supporting and encouraging each other, and it showed in this game. The Lions made a great start, holding their lead until the fourth quarter when things got really interesting. Loyala's goal put them ahead. The quarter progressed with a lot of nail-biting by Lions' fans. With less than two minutes to go, down by 3 points, the Lions were at their 15 with 3 down and, as the clock ticked painfully (to the listener), they moved. The crowd was breathless….the Lions slowly gained ground, keeping the clock ticking until there were only seconds left to play. The play was made...SNAP, a 38 yard throw by Garrett Graves caught by Austyn Sherwood who took it into the end zone for WHAM….a touchdown!! They did it….State Champions! Oh My!!! Congratulations, to the coach and team, all who have, together, worked so hard for this. The Lions won...we are all so proud.

About the Author: Alice B Elrod is a longtime promoter, supporter and contributor to our community. I love living in this glorious valley. There are so many people here who ardently strive to help out and it's a pleasure to pitch in when I can. Writing for visitNWmontana gives me a chance to know more about our community lets me invest some creative time in getting the word out about how wonderful it is to call this place home. I also have the privilege to be involved in the community by working with the Creative Arts Council, Recycle Eureka and through my chiropractic practice, Elrod Chiropractic.