Summertime Kickoff in Eureka
Celebrate a summertime kickoff with your family and friends in Eureka this Saturday, July 2! There's sure to be something for everyone.
Begin the day at our annual Paws for Pancakes, a fundraiser for the Tobacco Valley Animal Shelter. Full breakfast with a Mimosa option, 8:00 am to 11:00 am at the Glacier Bank Pavilion. Come support our four-footed pals!
At 10:00 head down to Riverside Park where Montana Shipping Outlet is putting on the 5th Annual Eureka Summertime Festival. Free live music until 6:00 pm featuring: Kyle Dean & the Mason Stone Band with Out on Bail, the blues of the Kevin Van Dort Band, the Verdict and Joan Zen. Local HA) Brewery beer, brewed in good cheer, vendors and kid activities. It's a full family attraction!
Then check out what's new and happening at Abayance Bay. Join the party from 6:00 to midnight for the grand opening of their new bistro, the Bowl! Admission covers a pulled pork dinner, one drink, and the super cool music of Jameson & the Sordid Seeds in the new amphitheater. Our own Michelle Rivers will be their opening act. Advance tickets at the marina's store or Abayancebay.org are $15 adults, $10 for 12 & under, or $20 & $15 at the door. End your day out on the beautiful Bay!

About the Author: Alice B Elrod is a longtime promoter, supporter and contributor to our community. I love living in this glorious valley. There are so many people here who ardently strive to help out and it's a pleasure to pitch in when I can. Writing for visitNWmontana gives me a chance to know more about our community lets me invest some creative time in getting the word out about how wonderful it is to call this place home. I also have the privilege to be involved in the community by working with the Creative Arts Council, Recycle Eureka and through my chiropractic practice, Elrod Chiropractic.