On Saturday, May 21, Eureka held its second annual Millions Against Monsanto event. Everyone invited to this FREE health fair sponsored by Heaven’s Peak had an opportunity to learn why we all need to say NO TO GMOs. More than 300 similar events were held worldwide on the same day.
Monsanto is the dominant biotech industrial giant that has been trying to take over our food supply for the last 20 years. During that period, they have imposed genetically modified organisms on the general public with no long-term testing ever required by the FDA. Monsanto was able to convince the FDA that these “Frankenfoods” are the same as natural ones.
However, GMOs couldn’t be further from natural.
GMOs are created by combining a natural food seed with an unrelated organism such as a bacteria or virus. They are marketed to farmers as an improvement. Not so.
GMO seeds cost more to buy, can’t be recycled for the next year’s crop and require farmers to spend HUGE amounts of money on poisons, specifically Round-Up. (Coincidentally, Monsanto owns that product too.)
There are two types of chemically created GMOs. One is programmed to allow Round-Up to be sprayed directly on the crop and only kill the weeds around it, not the plant itself. The other has the active poison ingredient in Round-Up, GLYPHOSATE, contained in the seed.
Both of those manipulations result in the public, who ingests the tainted plant, being exposed to massive amounts of harmful chemicals.
Since the introduction of GMOs into our food supply, chronic diseases have skyrocketed. Asthma, autism and neurological disorders are all on an unprecedented rise.
If you eat corn, soy, canola, strawberries, or many other fruits and veggies, you are probably ingesting GMO-related poisonous chemicals without even knowing it.
Over 60 countries around the world either require GMOs to be labeled or have banned them altogether. About 95% of U.S. citizens believe that GMOs should at least be labeled. However, the U.S. Congress has fought tooth and nail NOT to allow labeling. That is the battle that we are fighting.
So, if you eat food... come join us at Soldiers Park (next to Montana Market) on Saturday May 21, between 11 am and 2pm and learn more about this crucial issue.
It was a family event with healthy organic food, live music from the Michelle Lynn Band and lots of information.
Please “friend” us on "Facebook" at GMO-FREE Eureka Montana.
Thanks to Visit NW Montana for posting this on its site.
Editors Note: Visit NW Montana has been contacted by Monsanto asking for equal coverage of this topic. We thank both Heavens Peak and Monsanto for sharing their perspective on this subject.
The 22,000 people of Monsanto are committed to having an open dialogue about food and agriculture – we’re proud of the work we do, and we’re eager for people to know more about us. We’re also proud of our collaboration with farmers and partnering organizations that help make a more balanced meal accessible for everyone. Our goal is to help farmers do this in a more sustainable way using fewer resources and having a smaller impact on the environment. We know people have different points of view on these topics, and it’s important that they’re able to express and share them.
To learn more about Monsanto, its products or its people, please visit:
- Our websites www.discover.monsanto.com or www.monsanto.com
- Our blog, www.monsantoblog.com our Facebook page and/or our Twitter Feed, @MonsantoCo
- For more resources about modern agriculture practices, please consider visiting www.gmoanswers.com