The Circus Came to Town!
My oh my! Who doesn't love a circus? Sitting in the stand watching the acrobats, mesmerized by the lion tamer, and of course laughing at the clowns' crazy antics. The Eureka Chamber of Commerce brought the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus to the Tobacco Valley on Friday, June 26th.
They offered two performances at 5:00 and 7:30 pm at a site next to the high school. But magic was enjopyed throughout the day. In the morning between 9:30 - 10:00am, the Big Top was erected and all the rigging was prepared for the show. The trapeze was carefully set up for Miss Simone and her breath taking act and the tight rope stretched across the Big Top for Los Moralitos. Later that morning, the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus offered a free behind the scenes tour. It was described as, "a unique face-to-face opportunity for families, schools, and interested community members to meet and learn all about the Culpepper & Merriweather Circus family and included a walking tour of the circus grounds. Folks young and young at heart alike learned interesting facts about the performers, the history of the show and the different species of animals in the Circus Family. In this presentation they also addressed topics such as hygiene, grooming and the veterinary care all of the animals receive." Tickets for the evening shows were purchased at Glacier Bank, Valley Pizza and Interbel. Prices for advance tickets were $10/adult and $6/children ages 2 to 12. Children under 2 were admitted for free. On show day tickets were $13/adult and $7/children. What a great way to spend a day exploring circus life and then watching a spectacular show. Culpepper & Merriweather Circus always promises, "Our performers are sure to amaze, delight and entertain audience members of all ages beyond your wildest imagination."

About the Author: Rita Collins. I am a believer in the power of community and for now I call the Tobacco Valley home. I have lived in nine states and three counties and this community here amazes me - how people reach out to neighbors and even travelers. I've never lived in a place that demonstrates people caring for each other so well. And I've never lived in a place that has such a high percentage of talented musicians and artists. I work with the the Sunburst Community Service Foundation, a nonprofit that began in Eureka twenty years ago and now serves numerous communities in western Montana. And I just started a new business, St. Rita's Amazing Traveling Bookstore and Textual Apothecary. I never could have imagined life being this exciting in my sixth decade.