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Eureka's Community Garden

Eureka's Community Garden

In 2009, it was an idea that sprouted among participants in a Master Gardener class. By 2010, the group had begun building garden beds on county land adjacent to the Lincoln County fair grounds. That first year there were 33 raised beds established with organic soil and an automatic drip system. This spring Jim Finley, garden manager, reports there are currently 47 beds available with the plan to add another sixteen. And those 47 don't include ten additional garden boxes along the fence line where Jim and other volunteers raise vegetables that are donated to the Tobacco Valley Food Pantry and the Tobacco Valley Senior Center. Last year, nearly six hundred pounds of produce from those ten boxes were donated. It is obvious that this community garden meets a lot of needs.

Called "Seeds of Hope," the community garden located just north of town off Highway 93, is a lovely place. The beds and paths are well maintained. A wonderful mosaic welcomes gardeners and visitors. Jim said the ages of gardeners this year ranges from early thirties to folks in their 90s. And of course there are often children helping their parents pull weeds or gather vegetables. The system is ideal for young families, adults who don't have an easy place to garden and seniors who what to avoid dragging hoses. The price can't be beat. A $20 annual fee gets you a 4' x 8' plot and access to gardening tools. There is also a lot of expert advice available. Unsure when to put your tomatoes in or which sort of eggplant will do best - talk with Jim or one of the other great volunteers who are often around. As one might expect with such a great place, there is more demand for beds than there are ones available. Currently there is a waiting list. However, Jim has announced they are building more beds for this spring. But if you are itching to be part of this community activity, don't hesitate to contact Jim. He is always looking for volunteers to build new beds, repair older ones, or help with those plots dedicated for community food donations. You can learn more about our awesome Community Garden at Seeds of Hope or by calling Jim Finley 889-3673.

Rita Collins

About the Author: Rita Collins. I am a believer in the power of community and for now I call the Tobacco Valley home. I have lived in nine states and three counties and this community here amazes me - how people reach out to neighbors and even travelers. I've never lived in a place that demonstrates people caring for each other so well. And I've never lived in a place that has such a high percentage of talented musicians and artists. I work with the the Sunburst Community Service Foundation, a nonprofit that began in Eureka twenty years ago and now serves numerous communities in western Montana. And I just started a new business, St. Rita's Amazing Traveling Bookstore and Textual Apothecary. I never could have imagined life being this exciting in my sixth decade.

Hiking in NW Montana

---- Visit NW Montana ----

VisitNWMontana.com is all about inspiring, promoting and helping to build and sustain NW Montana through stories, blogs, photos and fun – one person, one business and one experience at a time.

Northwestern Montana is a charming area of quaint towns, millions of acres of state and federal land, hiking, camping, waterfalls, rock climbing, fishing and hunting, skiing and snowmobiling. We offer an impressive collection of shops, art galleries, golf courses, bed and breakfasts, spas, and restaurants not to mention annual events such as the Bull Thing, the Ten Lakes Snowmobile Fun Run, and the Eureka Montana Quilt Show. Enjoy the outdoors and the small town spirit that makes you feel right at home. Stay for a short trip, or meet with a realtor to find out about owning your own little piece of Montana real estate.

Where are we and how do you get here? Fly into Glacier National Park Airport (FCA) or Spokane International Airport (GEG). Eureka is 7 miles from the Canadian (Roosville) Border and 67 miles east of Libby or 51 miles north of Whitefish.

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