Deep in the Woods
Refresh Body and Soul - part 6 of an 8 part series
I suddenly felt an approaching melt down. My bruised legs ached from climbing through the forest. If I didn’t rest, I’d either cry or get testy with my companions. Dehydrated, my tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth and a mental fuzz ball filled my head. In an effort to not run around in aimless circles, we sat down to eat and drink just enough to regain energy and to rest before facing our dilemma. During this time, we didn’t hash over our situation, we talked about mundane things. I might have closed my eyes, listening to the wind through the trees and the sound of water rushing in the distant creek below us. My brain needed rebooting.
When you own a business, it consumes your heart and soul, draining life out of you. I can tell overworked folks out there. Their eyes are dull. Their energy level is in the negative stratosphere. Their mental state is either sluggish or they are irate with everyone they encounter. Any of these symptoms indicate that a time-out is mandatory.
When I was in business, I scheduled—on the calendar— personal time for myself twice a week. In SOS situations, I’d make certain the crisis wouldn’t cause an explosion or implosion and then I’d head out to clear my mind. Usually, an hour walk in the woods with my cell phone off is all it took. Other times it meant grabbing a book and brewing a cup of coffee after warning my family that they’d have extra chores if they interrupted me. Sometimes I’d schedule a massage. The point is that you need to refill your spirit (not alcohol, but the real deal) in whatever way fills your heart with happiness and contentment.
If you block the time on the calendar, you’ll look forward to each week, knowing that once your head clears the ideas and solutions come rolling in. Scheduling time for yourself will give you stability.
That’s what happened to us out in the woods. Refreshed, we had the energy and confidence to know we’d find our way.